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Applications for the 2024 Calculator Scholarship Award NOW CLOSED
We are awarding 5 TI-84 calculators to students who require a scientific calculators for school. Research shows that having a scientific calculator is an essential tool to have because it helps students (1) better understand intangible concepts, (2) teach them to think logically and problem solving, (3) increase the utility and efficiency of technological tools, and (4) helps to check results for mathematical accuracy.
Applications open in March 2025
Eligibility Requirements:
• Must be an entering 9th-12th grade students by Fall 2025
• Complete and sign the application (applicants under 18 years of age will need parental consent)
• Must attend a Public or Charter school in Massachusetts
• Must provide proof of grade level and school attending in the fall
•Lives in a low-to-moderate income community/town or identifies as a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, or Person of color)
Previous Award Recipients
2022 Calculator Scholarship Recipients

Analiz Pizarro-Harvey
9th Grade Student
The Scientific calculator award means that I can start 9th grade prepared for my math and science classes. I will have more understanding in my classes due to this lovely calculator and I don't have to be anxious about not having the right tools for school. I appreciate this scholarship because I know I would have struggled more without it.

Jakare Innocent
9th Grade Student
I really enjoy learning and Math is one subject I've always struggled with. So, having the necessary tools I need to succeed in this subject is really important to me as I am entering high school. I am motivated to learn with the hopes of going to college and furthering my education.
2021 Calculator Scholarship Recipients
Serena Porte
Rising first year College Student
Receiving this scholarship definitely makes me
feel a little more comfortable taking a STEM
class, knowing that I will have the proper materials to do so. As an Engineering student taking a multitude of math classes, this resource will definitely come in handy.

Brandy Vuong
Rising first year College Student
For me a calculator is like a flashlight, it helps shine a path through the darkness of questions contained in the tunnel of science and math.
The calculator will help me tremendously in my time in education. It helps me solve a
multitude of equations.
• Decisions will be announced by July 25
• Awardees will receive their calculator by end of August.
• Awardees will need to submit a headshot photo and testimonial by August 15.
For more information, please contact Jessica Sanon at