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Wed, Nov 10
Inspiring STEM Stories
Panel Speakers: Michelle Barnes, Vikko Suarez, and Adrianna Shy
Time & Location
Nov 10, 2021, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
About the event
sySTEMic flow's panel events leverages the power of storytelling to inspire, uplift, and encourage students to spark interest and even, pursue STEM-related degrees and careers. This event was hosted in partnership with Schools to Careers where there was about 400 students in attendance from all eight schools they serve.
Panelist Bios:
Michelle Barnes is a Marketing Data Analyst with Covalent Bonds. As a Marketing Data Analyst, Michelle takes massive clouds from the marketing department at her organization and uses a programming software called Witchcraft to turn the data into visuals that help the organization identify what they are doing well and where to improve. Michelle graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics in 2020 and was able to join the NEVCA Hack Diversity program as a Fellow of the 2021 Cohort.
Víctor Manuel, known by many as Víkko, is a 3rd year Ph.D. candidate in the neuroscience program at Brandeis University. Under the mentorship of Dr. Stephen Van Hooser, Víkko's thesis work centers around understanding the relationship between spatiotemporal changes and direction selectivity. Víkko aspires to give back to the scientific community and mentor fellow marginalized minorities like himself to pursue careers in the STEM field.
Adrianna Shy is a Georgia native. She obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry with a concentration in forensics from Hampton University in the spring of 2017. After graduating she decided to continue her studies at Brandeis University. She is now a fifth year PhD candidate in the lab of Professor Bing Xu where she creates small molecules to fight cancer. She is involved in various organizations across campus including the Black Graduate Student Association and the Diverse Brandeis Scholars.
About sySTEMic flow ( sySTEMic flow emerged from the dedication to inspire and support young Black girls and women in furthering their love for Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM). Established in 2017, the organization saw that there was a need to retain the number of black women who are invested in acquiring a STEM-related degree. Given this critical community need, sySTEMic Flow’s aim is to increase the number of black women who pursue and graduate from an academic institution with a STEM-related degree. Not only will this program adhere to the academic relevance to STEM, it will also attack prominent social issues that young women need to know in order to defeat the culture of power and break down barriers.
About Schools to Careers Bringing together eight metro Boston public school districts, STC has 10,000 diverse middle and senior high school students in its collective partnership. We are sought out by leading businesses and organizations from all verticals, locally and nationally, to bring businesses and schools together. In partnering with forward-thinking businesses that recognize their future workforce are today’s students, STC provides over 4,000 inspiring student opportunities each year.